The Duluth Dog Blog will be highlighting our very own Local Instagram Dog Stars. Our first little Instagram Furry Influencer is Prince Microchip.
"About 5yrs ago, I was looking to adopt a dog, and saw this little face pop up on Animal Allies Duluth website. I was told he came to Duluth from TX. When they brought Prince Charming, as they called him, to the greeting room and it was love at first site! He came home with me that night. He is the best buddy I could ask for. Prince is a fan of adventuring around Duluth, and LOVES having his picture taken. Mostly because there are treats involved. He thinks he is a fierce guard dog, but doesn't shy away from fashion. His wardrobe may be bigger than mine. I changed his name to Prince, like the musician, since I thought it was more fitting." written and photos by @lindswestman